Saturday, April 30, 2011

Lake Effect Powder

Source: NCAR/RAL
An active night of lake-effect last night, such as the band above, gives the Alta-Collins site 15" since yesterday afternoon.  The powder just keeps coming!

I suspect some sites in the Salt Lake Valley are waking up to a pretty good coating as well, but the NWS has yet to post up their observer totals.

Little Cottonwood is presently closed as they are shooting the highway this morning.  Anticipated opening is 8:30 am.  I think we all owe a debt of gratitude this year to the snow-safety pros who have had an incredibly long season.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice lake effect last night. Heavy graupel woke me up just after midnight. At that time the cells were forming well downwind of the lake, essentially over my house (Taylorsville). Within an hour, development began over the lake itself and a long band formed. There were at least three lightning strikes (CG I believe, judging by the sound of the thunder) west of the airport around 1 am. Measured over 3" of snow this morning, bringing my season total to an even 100".
