Source: NRCS/WRCC |
In Utah, despite the recent storm cycle, the Wasatch are sitting solidly below average and, at least in the case of Snowbird, we are running behind last year's dismal showing.
Source: CBRFC |
On the other hand, a dire situation exists presently in the Sierra Nevada. The KT-22 WebCam from Squaw Valley pretty much tells the tale.
Source: |
With a huge ridge over the western U.S. the dry spell is expected to continue for at least the next week. Seasonal prediction is of course more uncertain than weather prediction, and Mother Nature can flick the switch and bring a lot of snow quickly, but such large snowpack deficits are going to be difficult to overcome. This is reflected in the U.S. Seasonal Drought Outlook from the Climate Prediction Center which expects drought to persist or intensify (brown shading) or to develop (yellow shading) in the areas of the west and southwest currently with low mountain snowpacks.
KT-22 looks like the beginning or November in this view. What a horrible season so far for the Sierra Nevada.