Saturday, March 3, 2012

Snowpack Update and Future Storm

Smiles are wide with a good week of snow.  We've made up some ground in the snowpack game with most of the Snotel stations in the central Wasatch sitting at 65–96% of average.

Source: NRCS
And, another storm is coming.  The GFS is calling for a strong frontal passage on Wednesday Tuesday with more snow.  

I'm grounded this weekend as I had the craziest thing happen to me on Wednesday.  One of my ribs became displaced while I was gearing up for a tour that morning.  The pain was crippling.  They've popped it back into place, but I'm missing out on the best storm cycle of the year!  This season has been one misadventure after another. Make some turns for me.  


  1. Hey looks like it might be quite windy behind the front on the gfs, do you see this, or am I not reading it right?

    1. As presently forecast, it's a fairly strong front and I would expect strong winds ahead of and immediately following frontal passage, but we'll have to see how things come together. For the Salt Lake Valley, timing can be important. Fronts and winds tend to be stronger when the frontal passage happens later in the day.
