Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Eastern Snow

Snow in the central and southern Appalachians is beginning to wind down as the remnants of the SuperFrankenStorm lift northward.

Some nice photos from the LeConte Lodge, which is located at 6,593 feet in Great Smoky Mountains National Park and accessible only by trail, are available here and here.  They report 34" of snow.

More than 20 inches of snow fell at some locations during the 24-hour period ending at midnight last night.  Snow depths on the ground across a wide portion of the mountains of West Virginia exceed 20 inches in the latest analyses from the National Operational Hydrologic Remote Sensing Center.

Source: NOHRSC
As of Tuesday afternoon, 19" had fallen at Snowshoe Mountain Resort, and it looks like it was the really thick, creamy stuff.

This could be their deepest natural snowpack of the entire winter.  A real risk now will be flooding if they get a warm spell with rain.

Update @ 8:33 AM:

Just came across this photo from Davis, WV.  Sweet! Source unknown.

Source: Beau Dodson


  1. Jim, the Davis photo credit goes to Beau Dodson (I do not know his official affiliation; the photo was submitted to NWS Pittsburgh among other websites).

    Davis touts that they are the highest incorporated town in West Virginia at 3100 ft ASL. Canaan Valley and Timberline Ski Resorts are nearby. Snowfall reports in that area ranged from 24-30 inches, and that was as of yesterday!

  2. Thanks Andrew. I will update accordingly.
