Tuesday, November 1, 2011


We've had quite a time in the DOW this morning and have collected a great dataset. For the past hour or two, we've done continuous monitoring of the central Wasatch Range. Below is one of the cooler vertical scans that we've done as one of the heavier areas of precipitation crossed the Wasatch.

Update 2:55 PM

Here's a version of the figure above with some annotations.  

This is a vertical scan (a.k.a. RHI) of radar reflectivity taken toward the Broads Fork Twin from SR-111 near Baccus.  The sloping area of high reflectivity near the right hand side of the image is the west slope of the Broads Fork Twin.  The radar returns are deeper and stronger over and upwind of this slope.  At issue is whether or not this is due to mountain effects on the storm or if we have just coincidentally cut through a precipitation band when it is over and upwind of the western slope.  


  1. Hey Jim -

    Will you comment on what you're seeing in the radar slice please?


  2. I just updated the post to include an annotated figure. Sorry...we're somewhat limited when in the DOW.
