Friday, September 20, 2024

Sneak Peek

 We're getting closer to having a replacement for the NAEFS with a lot of big upgrades including replacing the Canadian with the ECMWF ensemble, a new snow-to-liquid ratio algorithm, more and better graphics, etc.  We're thinking of calling it the Utah SnowCast Experimental Ensemble (USCEE, or "You Ski").  If you have other ideas, let me know.  Naming rights available for a large enough donation.  

Below is our new time-series layout.  I'm plotting Berthoud Pass, CO since they hve a shot at some snow in the near future.  There's a huge amount of information in these plots.  Probably more than most people want to see, but this is an experimental product and we're trying to understand the capabilities and limitations.  

More soon.  This is one reason why blogging has been light lately.  


  1. What does ECMWF stand for

  2. Be bold and breakthrough all the acronyms. Pure marketing.

  3. Governor’s Office of Economic opportunity

  4. Hey, man. I just read in "Air Currents," the Department's magazine, you won a Distinguished Teaching Award! Congrats! Dave M. Ms '77.

  5. Pretty awesome - thanks! One request I would humbly make is to somehow color code or shade the Wet Bulb and SLR based on the magnitude of 6 hour accumulation. For instance, a darker blue violin for 6-h greater than 10" down to white for 6-h less than 0.5". Does it really matter if you have 0.1 inch of low SLR snow over 10 inch of blower? I don't know - maybe it does. That might call for a color gradient (my preference would be green to red) of the accumulated means based on a Steenburgh Factor for upsidedown-ness.

    1. Sorry I didn't see this earlier.

      We do something like that for our hrrr time series. Something to consider although I need to get to other things for now. I do sometimes get to the things effectually!
