Sunday, September 1, 2024

Meteorological Summer is Over

Meteorological summer, consisting of the months of June, July, and August, is thankfully over.  

In case you haven't noticed, temperatures have been climbing in the Salt Lake area in recent decades.  This summer at KSLC featured an average temparture of 80.3F, good for the 5th warmest on record.  The top 9 years are all in the 21st century.  

Yes, I know some of you don't like the KSLC site, but these trends do also reflect global warming and urbanization.  Both of those are real, and they are reducing the comfort and livability of Salt Lake City and probably a good portion of the Wasatch Front.  

To that point, there are continuous records from the Bountiful Bench site since 1975 and this summer looks like it will squeak in as the warmest on record (there are still 2 days that haven't yet been received, but the current average temperature is 76.8F, 0.4F warmer than the next warmest summer (2021).  

If you are wondering, the year so far rates as the 2nd warmest on record at KSLC, behind only 2018.


  1. Now if Satan could take his 90plus f daily highs w him back to Tuscon for the winter...

    1. Good luck. Average high is still in the upper 80s...
