Friday, July 19, 2024

I Got Nothin'

Recent weather has left me with little to say.  Hot, dry, smoky July doldrums with some afternoon convection.  For all intents and purposes, the pattern doesn't change much over the next several days.  The ridge wobbles around, but there are no big changes.  The best we can hope for is a little thunderstorm activity to at least break up the monotony.  Perhaps you felt some drops and wind last night.  Sadly, I didn't.

The National Weather Service National Blend of Models forecast for the Salt Lake City International Airport shows the situation well.  Forecast highs near 100 each day.  Perhaps a slight cool down late next week when a trough passes to our north and the ridge weakens just a bit.  



  1. What!?! i see 92f way out in the forecast so we have a cooling trend on the way in 🤣

  2. trend or blip? :-)
