24-hour minimum temperatures for period ending at 1636 UTC 31 December 2014. Source: MesoWest. |
What was most amazing were the variations in temperature at Park City Mountain Resort. All of the observations in the plot below were collected at 1615 UTC (0915 AM MST). At that time, skiing down the King Con trail from the top of the King Con chair to the bottom of Silverlode involved a temperature change of 28ºF from 14ºF at the top to -14ºF at the bottom!
Source: Mesowest. |
I don't know how many people were on the mountain to experience that sort of insanity, but it must have been a breathtaking run.
Check out the temperature at Peter Sinks: http://twdef.usu.edu/Peter_Sinks/15%20minute%20temperatures/index2.html