Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Still Neck and Neck

With only today left, July 2013 is in a virtual dead heat with July 2007 for the hottest month in the history of Salt Lake City.  The average temperature for each month is 84.0ºF.

Source: http://
I don't know if official records are based on the average to the nearest tenth of a degree (at some point, it's not worth slicing the onion any thinner), but let's assume that they are.  That means we need today's average temperature to be 84ºF or greater to tie or break the record.

Helping a great deal is the overnight minimum, which was a balmy 75ºF.  That means we need a high of 93ºF to at least tie the record (assuming it is based on the average temperature to the nearest tenth of a degree).  The NWS forecast calls for a high of 98ºF.

Of course, this all assumes that the unofficial numbers I'm using are in line with those at the NWS.  Let's hope they are.  I like seeing records happen.


  1. Records are based on the average temp to the nearest tenth, which makes it more likely to have ties for records.

    I believe there's another quirk in that the average is based on integer daily mean temp. And the daily mean temp is rounded down. I could be wrong on the details, but I have had to go down this road before and I remember being surprised at how unusual the calculation was for average monthly temp. Looks like the high temp for today is high enough that none of this will matter.

  2. The noaa website shows 100 f @ 1505, (meso map too) 18 days I believe! We can do it!!
