Friday, June 21, 2024

Great Salt Lake Seasonal Maximum

Data collected from the USGS at Salt Air suggests that the elevation of the south arm of the Great Salt Lake reached its seasonal maximum in May at about 4195 feet and is now declining.  


Data for this location extend back to 1847, so we can put the 4195 foot elevation into historical context.  There are two prior periods where lake levels dropped below 4195 feet.  The first was from about 1934–1946 when the lake episodically went below 4195 feet.  The second was from about 1959–1971 when the lake dropped to just below 4192 feet and was below 4195 feet for a several year stretch with episodic drops below that level in surrounding years.

The north arm remains lower than the south arm and is currently at an elevation of about 4193 feet.  

A real question moving forward from here is will our string of high snowfall winters continue?  Let's hope so.

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