Friday, September 20, 2013

Recipe for a Large Temperature Rise

You will be shedding layers today.  Here's the recipe:

1. Preceding surge of cold air into the region

2. A dry, crystal clear night

3. Development of strong southwesterly flow and the transport of warm air aloft over northern Utah overnight

4. A clear, sunny day with continuing southwesterly flow

Thus we'll be rebounding from an overnight minimum of about 48ºF at the airport to something like 83ºF this afternoon.

Of course, there are better places to experience a full force temperature swing, such as the Rush Valley south of Tooele where overnight minimum temperatures were as low as 32ºF.

At the Faust observing site that reached 32ºF last night, they will likely see a temperature increase today of about 50ºF.  Not too shabby.

1 comment:

  1. My friend and I hiked to White Pine Lake in LCC on Friday. It was a glorious day. We encountered a cow moose with a bull following behind her. It warmed up and we definitely had to peel off layers during the hike.
